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The Point of No Return

I came across this prompt when I was organizing my desktop. I'm not sure if it is one of mine or something I read or heard in a creative writing class. I thought it was a good one, so I wanted to share it with you.

The Point of No Return

Sometimes in life (and in fiction) we reach a point of no return. We’ve burned our bridges or pulled the trigger. Think Scarlet O’Hara when Atalnta burned or Thelma and Louise when Harlan is shot. Things will never be the same again and there is no going back.

Think of a time when you (or your character) reached that point. What happened? Where were you? The bedroom? The delivery room? In the jungle? In front of the judge? How did it feel?

If you get stuck, try to go back to the basics. What were the smells? What were the sounds? How did you feel in the pit of your stomach?

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